SDB-Consulting is now Advanced Global MSP Coaching!

We interrupt the regularly scheduled programming – for an exciting new announcement! 

First - My apologies to our faithful readers as we sidestep on how to Resolve Service Delivery Issues leveraging the Autotask software.  

Instead, we need to talk about how you can Resolve your Service Delivery Issues leveraging the new Advanced Global MSP Coaching website.

As you may know, SDB-Consulting changed its name to Advanced Global MSP Coaching as of the 1st of this year. We implemented this change for 3 main reasons: 

  1. It better explains who we are and what we do. 

  2. It reduces the emphasis on me (Steve) and spotlights our awesome Team and other coaches who do the lion share of the work. 

  3. It sets the company up for success once Steve retires in 3-4 years. 

    P.S. It also explains who is running the show when Steve takes a 4-week vacation later on this year – fingers crossed – read Clockwork by Mike M. if you want to know more. 

Advanced Global MSP Coaching: A New Modern look & feel 

We didn’t stop at a simple name change.  

We’ve been working hard on major branding updates as well.  

Starting today, you will see our company has an entirely different look & feel: a new and improved website, logo, name, and fresh branding colors.  

But don’t worry - our mission, core values, and loyal Team remain the same, with an even greater focus on providing you, the MSP, with a higher level of service. 

Service Delivery Membership Area: Coming March 31st, 2021 

Another area of our new website that we are pleased to announce (that is still in the development phase) is the new Advanced Service Delivery Alliance membership page which will include:  

  • Exclusive access to our Autotask live report mockup library and Autotask “How to” build guides 

  • A comprehensive Service Delivery SOP Content library  

  • Forum community to ask questions and help each other with Autotask, Service Delivery, and Project Management issues 

  • Weekly “Industry Expert Calls” with Steve & Carol, featuring monthly guest speakers  

  • Full blog article library clearly organized by topic so you can easily find what you’re looking for 

  • Members-Only Discounts for our online courses & training programs  

  • Special eBooks and Webinars for members only 

  • Templates, scripts documents, other downloadable content organized in a library 

  • Member discounts on our preferred vendors services 

  • One 30-minute welcome/coaching call after signing up  

  • & More... 

Even though our goal for this membership area is to go live on March 31st, we are taking membership purchases now at a reduced yearly rate to our first members. More information is to come as we finish creating this community, but in the meantime.... 

Click here to take our membership interest survey to let us know what you would like to see out of this community – what would you most benefit from? 

Claim your annual lifetime membership for a 50% discount right here.  

Need Help with Autotask? There’s an Online Course for That…  

Beyond the Advanced Service Delivery Alliance membership, something we have been developing for the last 3 years is our online course offerings.  

We realized early on that providing all our information via 1 on 1 coaching was not efficient (and at times did not feel scalable).  

Besides, it can get tiring repeating myself as we move from Customer to Customer, and even confusing to recall if I have said something to you or not.  

The feeling of always forgetting to say something has driven us to find a better, more productive way to deliver our services at a more economical price. 

The courses on the drawing board include: 

  • Autotask Live Report Writing course 

  • Accelerated Autotask Implementation course 

  • Autotask System Administration Certification course 

  • Resource Utilization Improvement course 

  • Cascading Contract Automation course 

All courses will feature accountability milestones, module-by-module completion verification, and 30-minute Q&A sessions when needed. 

We are excited to bring you all these new levels of service at a price that is much more affordable than a Consulting rate. 

How are we able to provide all of this? Because we have 29+ years of MSP Service Delivery Coordinator/Manager experience on staff, and 17+ years Autotask System Administration experience. Which is another way of saying we have been there and done that, and we know how to leverage the Autotask software to Resolve Service Delivery Issues.  

Thanks for sticking with us, and welcome to Advanced Global MSP Coaching. We’re glad you’re here.  

Stephen Buyze

President of Advanced Global MSP Coaching


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