See Ya, 2020. We’re Gearing Up for a REVOLUTION in 2021
I know how sad we all are to say goodbye to 2020. (NOT)I mean, I might even shed a tear or two just thinking of the close of this year. Yeah, right. Now, what I am sure of is how excited we all are to ring in 2021. It is indeed a year packed with possibilities, and we can’t wait to embark on a new journey with our awesome Community. Let us share with you our Resolution for 2021, which is:To provide more value at less cost to our Customers, Subscribers, and the Autotask Community.
What exactly does that look like for you?
Clearer, more concise messaging on how to Resolve Service Delivery Issues using the Autotask Software.
Detailed information on how to make the most of the Autotask software, especially what is in the 2020.4 – 2021.X major releases.
Expansion of our Team with higher and more versatile skills to best serve you.
Smart delivery of our information & coaching in more efficient ways.
And yes, we’re holding Customers more Accountable (that means you!).
new year
2021 starts with major improvements for you the Customer, you the Subscriber, and you the Autotask Community.
And it all starts with…drumroll, please…a new Company name!
SDB-Consulting = Advanced Global MSP Coaching
The Revolution starts with a Name Change. The Name SDB-Consulting has served us well and communicated that my MSP Service Delivery philosophy was at the heart of the company. However, we have never been a one-man-band. From the very beginning, there has been a support Team making the company look good. With Carol H joining us in 2019, the company grew to the next level. Today, the Company is no longer about me, but it is about us:
22+ years of MSP Service Delivery experience, and 17+ years of Autotask System Administration experience. This blend of Service Delivery experience and Autotask System Administration experience gives us the ability to relate to your Service Delivery Issues.Wehave been there and done that, and we can deliver highly effective solutions that leverage our Autotask System Administration knowledge.
This leads us to the new name:
Advanced Global MSP Coaching. =
Our new Company name is just the beginning. Get ready for a fresh new website coming soon, too.In other words, this isn’tjust a brand refresh, which we are very proud of, but a new and improved content delivery system as well. Look for ournew website tobe rolled outlater this month around January 15th.
When it goes live, you’ll notice a lot of benefits, including:
It will be easier to do business with us.
We’ll provide better messaging to conveywho we are and what we do.
Relevant, current information that can be downloaded
How to Resolve Service Delivery Issues courses you can take online – at your fingertips.
Reaching out and engaging with us on a 1-on-1 basis will be more accessible.
Stay tuned, because by the end of 1st quarter, there will also be a Service Delivery Management Membership area.
The Membership area will provide:
A content library where Members can pull and publish “Best Practices” content on how to Resolve Service Delivery Issues. Our library that will be 100% available to Members contains:
109 SOPs and Standard Builds
79 Autotask Live Report Mockups
Membership-only webinars where we go more in-depthon Service Delivery topics with well-known guest speakers.
A Service Delivery Issues Forum, where members can go and collaborate, as well as follow threads on how best to Resolve Service Delivery Issues.
Vendor Reviews and a list of vendors ourMembers find worth mentioning.
Special Blog Articles written just for Members from myself, other thought leaders & industry insiders.
Whatever else the Members would like to see, and that makes sense under a “How to Resolve Service Delivery Issues” moniker😊.
Get exclusive access to all this & more, plus enjoy 50% off regular membership pricing for a lifetime. Discover all the benefits & sign up early here...
Steve, Carol + Duncan
We are pleased to announce Duncan Bruce will be joining us starting January 4th. Duncan also brings to us 2.5 Years of Service Delivery experience comprised of 15 Years as a Technician, so he can relate to what your Support Team is going through. 7 Years as an MSP Salesperson, so he can relate to the Sales side of the house.He knowswhat they need from the Service Delivery Team, and what they need to provide the Service Delivery Team, so everyone wins. Duncan’s role in the Company will be as our Sales and Service Manager Coach, as well as a backup for Carol and me in all we do (except pay the bills). I highly recommend booking a call with him now toget to know him and thewealth of knowledge and experience he can bring to your MSP.
A Revised Path to Resolving Service Delivery Issues Leveraging the Autotask Software
FYI: Wehave been rolling out the current Service Delivery Foundational Improvement program since Sept of 2019. Over the last few months, Carol and I have been going to school to get all the most current info on how we can coach you better to Resolve your Service Delivery Issues. This comprehensive education has led to us taking the holidays to review how we deliver what we know, and how to hold you more accountable. Based on what we have learned and looking at our performance data (go figure) going into 2021, we have refreshed the Service Delivery Foundational Improvement roadmap. Here is a high-level overview of what we offer:
Request Segmentation
16 hours of our time
Delivered over 4 weeks
Introduction of 11 Workflows with SOPs for each
Coaching on how and when to use each workflow
Workflow Distribution Accountability reporting
SLA Automation
10 hours of our time
Delivered over 4 weeks
SLA settings, along with 5 sets of settings in other areas of Autotask
Monitoring to make sure the Automation is working correctly
Coaching on the intake process
SLA Performance Accountability reporting
Customer Communication and Real-Time Time Entry
12 hours of our time
Delivered over 4 weeks
Customer Notifications, WFRs, and Statusesconfigurations
Delivery of a Communications Protocol built on research, tested with focus groups, and rolled out to dozens of MSPs over the last 9 years
Coaching on the Customers journey from new to complete
Monitoring to make sure the Automation is working correctly
Holding the Techs accountable for Real-Time Time Entry
Tech and Service Coordinator Dashboards
10 hours of our time
Delivered over 4 weeks
Fast-tracked with the Customer Communications rollout
Delivery of Techs knowing what to work on next, and Service Coordinators managing all open tickets
Built in the background with overview orientation
Open ticket clean-up
Cascading Contract Automation
10 hours of our time
Delivered over 2 weeks
The burden of Invoice Quality shifted from Service Delivery Team, Account Managers, and Accounting to the PSA automation software
Contract, Roles, Work Type reviewed and cleaned up
Labor Profitability reporting
This is the Service Delivery Foundational Improvement roadmap. Click here to download a sales sheet on the offer.
How Our Roadmap Came to be
When I first started the business, in my back pocket was a fit-full of Autotask Live Report performance reports. My vision was to deliver these reports and coach MSPs on how to analyze and apply them to their Service Delivery Team performance. What I found was: my reports do not work. The reason the reports do not work is because I had been blessed with working for a very mature MSP that was leveraging most of the Autotask Software and had well defined SOPs in place. This MSP was also large enough to hire a full-time Service Delivery Process Engineer and Live Report Writer. As I rolled out the fist-full of Autotask Live reports to other MSPs, I found that until the Autotask foundation was being leveraged, the data was garbage out. So, we went to work developing the Autotask Service Delivery Foundational Improvement roadmap.
Once these foundational improvements have been implemented, the MSP is ready for:
Service Coordinator Training
Service Manager Training
Project Management Training
Proactive Maintenance Training – coming in 2021
Knowledge-Centered Support Training – coming in 2021
It took me 7 years to develop the fist-full of live reports. It has taken other MSPs a lot longer and they still struggle to deliver the results our Customers enjoy. The Autotask Service Delivery Foundational Improvements take 4 months to deliver at a cost of $10,000 USD. The Service Coordinator and the two Management Trainings take another 3 months, with KCS yet to be determined.
The results we enjoy for a 6-tech shop with 160 Customers doing about $1.5M in MRR is about $386,000 USD per year. The bottom line is that for a $20,000 USD investment, you can expect more than 10X return, not to mention a much more enjoyable work environment and Raving Fans.
How do we know? Because we have 22+ years of MSP Service Delivery Coordinator/Manager experience on staff, and 17+ years Autotask System Administration experience. Which is another way of saying we have been there and done that, and we know how to leverage the Autotask software to Resolve Service Delivery Issues.
WOW, what a revolution - and back to the future has only begun. Enjoy the Read.