Finding Freedom From: Not Knowing How to Grow The MSP’s Business 

(And who Steve is going to vote for in 2024) 


“Knowledge has power. It controls access to opportunity and advancement.” - Peter Drucker 


“Knowledge is power only when put to use - and then only when the use made of it is constructive.”    - Peter J. Schwartz 


“As your body grows bigger, 
Your mind must flower 
It's great to learn, 
'Cause knowledge is power!” 

-Schoolhouse Rock! 



Welcome Autotask Warriors!  It has been a busy couple weeks of news, hasn’t it? I want to take a few minutes here to address the world situation so you know where I stand and then we can move on. 


First, NASCAR is doing its best to officiate. Second, I have no idea how all the drama in Formula 1 is going to play out. While I have no team or driver that I follow, it’s hard not to root for the USA team.  And speaking of Team USA, I formally announce I am voting for Team USA in the 2024 Olympics.  


As you can see, there is lots going on in the world to distract us. Professional sports, the Olympics in Paris, people in Washington, and every other Political Center in the World, and Client requests. But no matter how much drama is going on, we need to keep our eye on the ball to avoid the Chaos.  


“But, Steve, I don’t even know what the ball is with all that stuff going on!”  Great question. Darren Hardy says, “You can only control two things in life: Your attitude and your actions,” and Jim Rohn says, “You must either modify your dreams or magnify your skills.” So, you should focus on what you can control and continue to learn what you don’t know so you can have the life you envisioned when you started your MSP.  


I’m not going to be able to help the HAAS F1 team, Chase Elliot’s Cup car, or the Team USA runners gain that extra tenth of speed (or even influence the political arena). While I can keep up with the news and enjoy watching the occasional game, obsessing over these things does no good. I’ve got to keep growing and progressing.  


"Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement and success have no meaning."

Benjamin Franklin 


"No company can afford not to move forward. It may be at the top of the heap but at the bottom of the heap tomorrow if it doesn't." — James Cash (JC) Penney 


Hopefully by now you’re understanding that you need to grow your MSP to provide better service, a better environment for your Techs, and a better quality of life for you and your family. But how do you find this Freedom? How do you know what you don’t know?

  • “You even know more about what I need than I do.” Matt M, Acapella Technologies 

  • “Steve, we do not know what we do not know” Many MSPs 

  • “Tie the Autotask PSA and your team’s knowledge of the product together, and I feel I’m in very good hands to grow into a successful MSP with very happy customers!” Brian Fulmer, Lakes Computer 

What it takes 

So what does it take to “Know what you do not Know” in order to Grow an MSP’s Business? Time, Access, and Passion. I do not believe the Advanced Global Team is smarter than anyone else. Where we have the advantage is: 

  1. Time – the only thing we do all week long is develop better MSP Operational Processes and determine how to leverage more of the Autotask PSAutomation software. 

  2. Access – we have evaluated how more than 230 MSPs are using the Autotask PSAutomation software, and we have listened to more than 138 present on how they are operating today – many who gave us new and better ideas. That is how we have learned most of what we know. 

  3. Passion – Our Mission is to help MSPs Find the Freedom to Grow by transforming their Service Delivery Operation from Chaos to Zen work environments through the Best-in-Class Standard Operating Procedures and fully leveraging the PSAutomation software. 


When I first started working in the Channel, I was lucky enough to land a job with a fairly large MSP – 80 Employees, 60 Billable Resources.  This MSP had been in business for 25 years and had figured out some of the Best-in-Class processes. What they did not know was: 

  1. How to move from a Reactive, Break-Fix, Chaotic work environment to a Pro-Active, Data-Driven, Zen work environment 

  2. How to fully leverage the Autotask software 

  3. How to complete Profitable Projects On-Time and On-Budget 


What they did know was that they needed a Process Reengineer.  When my resume came across the soon to be Supervisor’s desk, he knew he had to talk with me. At the top of the resume were 3 bullet points that caught his attention – and I highly recommend to anyone looking for work to lead with a 3-benefit statement in all employment communications to show what is in it for the future Employer. 


I was unable to find the original bullet points, but jump ahead 10 years and this is what my resume looked like: 

  • Increased labor profit year over year from 2011 through 2016 due to Process Reengineering.  

  • Improved meeting Service Level Agreements from below 63% to over 97% due to Resource Planning for IT Support based on Historical Data Initiatives.  

  • Increased Resource utilization from below 70% to over 84% while reducing Employee turnover.  

  • Employee work life improvement by empowering employees to make better decisions resulting in the “Best Places to Work in Maine” 2013 thru 2017   


In 10 years, my  MSP was able to transform itself from a Reactive, Break-Fix, Chaotic work environment to a Pro-Active, Data-Driven, Zen work environment. We grew from: 

  • 80 Employees to 178 Employees 

  • $7MM to $35MM in Top Line Revenue  

  • Managing 8 unprofitable projects per year to over 500 Profitable Projects with 95%+ ending On-Time and On-Budget 


How were we able to do this?  

First, by being large enough to afford a full-time Process Reengineer who was free enough to work on Process Reengineering at least 20 hours per week. 


Second, by hiring someone with a Passion to Improve the Quality of Work Life of the Employees around them, Process Reengineering experience with a track record of successful engagements, and one who had a Passion for Data and how to leverage it to drive Process Improvements. 


Third, by having a relationship with Autotask that gave them Advanced Access to the top thought leaders at Autotask, allowing them to learn, beta test, and request bug-free features. 


So, in order to know what you don’t know, you need the stars to align. We are not saying Advanced Global is the only Team capable of figuring out what you don’t know.  What we are saying is it takes: 

  • 7-10 years of working in an MSP Full Time (you know 50% Utilization) 

  • Direct access to the best and brightest at Autotask (ones that are less familiar with Datto and Kaseya), 100’s of Autotask databases, and 100’s of MSPs wanting to discuss their best ideas 

  • A passion for data with the ability to write some of the most advanced Live Reports possible 


To know what you do not know takes: 

  • Time – 20 hours per week for 7 years is 7,280 hours 

  • Access – to both: 

    • Autotask thought leaders from inside and outside Autotask 

    • 100’s of MSPs around the world 

  • Passion – for several things 

    • Improving the Quality of Work-Life, Client Experience, & Profits 

    • Data and leveraging the Data for Data-Driven Strategic Decisions 

    • Process Improvements – Demming says 80% of the problems in the workplace are caused by poor process, not poor Employees 

If you do not have these three things, but you need to know what you do not know, then I strongly recommend the “world-famous 45-minute Get to Know You Strategy Call with Steve.” 

  • “Stephen offered me, a random guy on the internet, a 30-minute coaching session at no charge. It was hugely valuable and I'm implementing some of his ideas right now.” Adam C, Servicemax 

  • “The value we received from 30 minutes of consultation was excellent and left me with a desire to work with you and your team.” Ben Scoble, Logic Plus. 

At this point, you may be noticing those quotes are from 30-minute calls, and I’m offering 45 minutes – why the difference?  Inflation, of course – I want to give you more value. I am hoping you are also saying, “Now I Know why I do not Know what I do not know, but what is the best path forward to Know what I need to Know in order to Know what I do not Know, or better yet, who Knows what I do not Know that I need to Know to find the Freedom to Grow the Business?”  


The answer to that bottom line question is schedule a FREE get to know you strategy call with Steve. A simple click right here is all it takes. 


Steve and Co 


Freedom From: Going At It Alone to Grow the MSP Business 


Finding Freedom from Wasted Billable Hours So The MSP Can Grow