Welcome Fellow Gladiator. Are You Ready to Conquer the Chaos at Your MSP?

Together we fight the good fight and bring order to chaos. Because after all, figuring out how to leverage Autotask to slay those pesky Service Delivery Issues that are bringing down your MSP can feel like a lonely job. And no one likes to be lonely, right?

That’s why we have a big announcement to make: a brand new Advanced Global Gladiators Member’s Only Community! Read on to find out all about it, and a little background on how we came up with the name.

What Do the Romans Have to Do with Advanced Global?

Most of us know what the Romans were famous for: controlling uprising, disorder and local skirmishes, and bringing peace to the land.  

This is very similar to what we want to empower the Advanced Global Gladiators to do:

·      Control Ticket Backlogs

·      Reset Customer’s Expectations

·      Manage one-off requests

·      Proactively manage the Service Delivery Operations

In other words, make sure you are managing the Service Delivery Operations and not the other way around.  And of course, meeting all the 14 key performance indicators that matter.

We (Advanced Global) have dedicated our lives to Coaching MSPs on how to Leverage Autotask to Resolve Service Delivery Issues. However, at no time did we believe we knew it all. We feel that we’re in a unique position to work with and learn from the thousands of Autotask Users we have engaged with. What we have found in common with you is your desire to Leverage the Autotask software to Resolve Service Delivery Issues.

Because We Need More Than a 2-Hr Ask the Expert…

However, we have also found (mostly through the Ask the Expert Conference Calls) that freely sharing our ideas - especially ideas on what works best and why - is prevalent throughout our community.

One of the #1 reasons we are building the Advanced Global Gladiator Community is because we want to provide Ask the Expert services for more than just 2 hours per week. Truth be told, like so many things at Advanced Global, we are simply responding to Community Requests. AFTER ALL, you are the real experts; we are just gathering information and passing it along as needed.

We’re grateful the Advanced Global Marketing Team is listening to the Community, stepping up, and providing a platform where Service Delivery Gladiators can share ideas, content, and a good wine and cheese dinner (or as the Italians call it… pizza).

What You Get Out of Being an Advanced Global Gladiator

Here are just some of the things to look forward to in the Advanced Global Gladiators Member’s Only Community:

·   A private forum community. A place to ask questions, get solutions, and help others on topics ranging from service delivery, Autotask, project management, finance & more!

  • A blog article library with all Advanced Global MSP Coaching’s informative articles plus special blogs by our featured guest writers

  • A download library with all of our best practice Autotask & Service Delivery related leave behind documents organized by category

  • A place for you to contribute to the download library and share documents that have helped you in your business

  • Our community calendar with weekly and monthly events consisting of webinars, industry expert Q&A sessions, and guest speakers.

  • Direct access to AGMSPC’s president Stephen Buyze & top coaches

  • A video library where you can watch mini training videos, interviews, past webinars, and vodcasts.

*P.S. For a Marketing community, we recommend Robin Robins; for an Ownership community, we recommend The Tech Tribe, and for a well-rounded holistic view, we recommend all three.

Now, I know what you’re wondering: What does it cost to join our Service Delivery Gladiator’s community? 

Less than 4 hours of a billable Technician’s time per year.   A USD figure we can guarantee you will make back and more in no time at all

And if you do not find a way to pay the company back year over year, please let me know and I will direct you to the Conversation, Content, Event, Industry Expert, or Schedule a Call link that are found only within the Community.

But wait, there’s more folks! If you sign up before we launch next week, Wednesday, March 31st, you can secure a lifetime yearly Membership rate for less than 2 hours of a billable Technician’s time.

Please let us know your thoughts, as many of the features in the Advanced Global Service Delivery Gladiators Community are there because you asked.

Have you ever wondered why Roman Soldiers travel in groups of 8? It’s pretty simple, actually. Consider the old African proverb: If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.

Now let’s get to conquering the chaos, slaying those annoying Service Delivery Issues, empowering MSPs & building out this awesome community! Are you with us? 


Stephen Buyze

President of Advanced Global MSP Coaching


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