Is your MSP PSA Missing the Automation? Here’s what to do.
What we’ll cover in this article:
A deeper dive into PSA automation
No PSA comes pre-configured, so…
The results of implementing advanced automation
Now for the blueprint!
PSA automation is more than workflow rules
The power of scheduled Advanced Live Reports
Now, it’s up to you to decide…
Welcome back to our series on how to Grow your MSP in ’23. This series has been a lot of fun as MSPs start to see some successes in Operations and Service Delivery.
Isn’t it nice to realize that you CAN grow and the light at the end of the tunnel is NOT an oncoming locomotive?
Since much of growing your business depends on process and automation, we have been mainly talking about those topics. So that we’re all on the same page, this week I want to talk a bit about the PSA automation blueprint we are implementing together and offer an “easy button” for those who want expert guidance in the process.
Hopefully, you were able to get your Workflow Rules all sorted out and are feeling more confident about moving forward with your Autotask setup. Don’t feel bad, if you’ve suddenly realized how little you know about configuring Autotask or realized your “out of the box” setup won’t cut it anymore.
Most Autotask users have that epiphany at some time in the life of the MSP. Just ask ChatGPT, which says the #1 complaint about the Autotask software is how complex it is.
But it’s not just Autotask - Aaron Kennedy from Cognition 360 puts it in black and white: “No PSA comes pre-configured.” So just going out and buying another tool is not the solution.
So, what do you do?
Well, Autotask has basic implementation training. They also provide navigation support, but when it comes to:
Configuring more than the basics
Leveraging the actual PSAutomation
Best Practices
They leave you on your own to figure it out by reading the documentation and attending webinars.
As the wise sage Scooby Doo would say, “Ruh roh, Shaggy.”
What about partnering with a Consultant? Well, they provide great how-to advice to the questions you ask, but they also fall short on:
Providing a Roadmap
Providing a “Done With You” style of coaching
Providing a plan on how to get you from there to here
Now don’t get me wrong: these are very smart people, and they know the Autotask software well. They are just not Advanced Global, and they do not do what we do.
To put the automation back in PSA, you need a deep understanding of how the “Best in Class” MSPs configure and leverage the Autotask software to get the most out of it.
In today’s world, every dollar counts, and few can afford to spend money hoping for good results. Wouldn’t it be nice if the person with that deep understanding had a track record to prove the results they guarantee? Results like:
Resource Utilization above 80% and a guaranteed 10% improvement in 12 weeks or less
Streamlining Invoicing, capturing 5-15% more T&M billing while reducing the A&P process by 75%
Real-Time Time Entry Culture change resulting in an average of 1-hour delay between the time of disengagement to the time the Time Entry is created…
And much, much more.
Wouldn’t it also be nice if the Service Delivery Improvement philosophy were also matched with “Hands On” experience evaluating over 180 MSPs Autotask Configurations, and deploying foundational improvements to at least 102 of them?
Now that we’ve seen the results of implementing advanced automation, let’s go over the blueprint because PSA automation is much, much more than just Workflow Rules:
SLA Automation, which provides a multi-dimensional prioritization for the list of tickets, so the Techs always know what to work on next.
Pro-Active, Dynamic Dashboards, so everyone is aware of what they are responsible for and which ones need management intervention.
Cascading Contract Automation, so the great divide between Techs and Accounting is closed, and invoicing quality is significantly improved.
Scheduling Advanced Live Reports, so information is captured and pushed to you in a timely fashion, guiding continuous improvements and holding the Team accountable.
Rule-Based Billing, so per Seat and/or per Device invoicing is automated.
Sales Dashboards and Opportunities Automation, so everyone knows where in the Sales process all future sales are.
And that is just a list of the big automations. There is also a list of Automated Mechanisms, such as:
Escalation and Reopen Audit trails
Clients responding to Closed Tickets
Scheduled Ticket Reminders
A 3-Step closing process with Client verification and surveys
2 Strikes and You are Out Waiting on the Client
Estimated Time field populated
Tickets needing to be scheduled reminders
Tickets exceeding estimations
On Hold tickets that are stuck
And when it comes to the power of scheduled Advanced Live Reports, the list includes:
Resource Utilization report date stamped on Monday morning
Real-Time Time Entry report date stamped on Monday morning
Backlog List of Tickets report delivered on Wednesday morning
Scheduled Tickets with no future Service Calls delivered on Thursday morning
SLA, Workflow Distribution, and Mean Time To Resolve, all delivered on the first Tuesday of every month
Daily QC reports for Triage and Open/Assigned/Closed reports
Not to mention 20-30 other Advanced Live Reports to choose from.
With this level of experience and a track record to prove it, Advanced Global is capable of guiding you on how to put the automation back into PSA for any MSP. Not just to guide you but also to guarantee the results or your money back.
Maybe you’re thinking this article sounds more like a commercial for Advanced Global than usual.
Here’s the deal: as we delve more into automation, we felt it important to share the blueprint to give you the power of choice:
Or, you can decide to implement it on your own as we progress in this series.
Or, you could get help now to get the most bang for your buck.
As Advanced Global’s Team member, a former MSP owner who has been in your shoes, says: “If you are too busy, too overwhelmed, just want someone else to do it, or an MSP owner scared out of your mind and need a friend, please reach out. We are always here for you. “
What does it cost to get started with an Advanced Global program? NOTHING. Your road to Service Delivery Freedom starts with a NO-Obligation PSA Configuration Evaluation.
Then, the Evaluation Findings and Suggestions will be in a comprehensive, 29-page report complete with a “How To” Video and screenshots comparing how you are configured and how the “Best in Class” configure their PSAutomation software.
The Evaluation will also include information on three mindset changes an MSP must undergo to mature from a Reactive Break/Fix operation to a much more efficient Proactive Data-Driven Service Delivery model. And once again, much, much more.
To download your copy of the NO-Obligation PSA Configuration Evaluation Scope of Work, click here.
Steve & Co
The elephant in the room:
Who is Advanced Global, and why should we listen to them?
Recently someone we’ve been in communication with since DattoCon 2018, who was faithfully reading our articles, commented that up until a few months ago, “I really did not know what Advanced Global does.” So here are a few bullet points to let anyone interested know who we are and what we do:
1) We Are – the Autotask Global Service Delivery Authority
2) We Help – MSPs thrive
3) We Solve – Service Delivery issues, inefficiencies, and challenges by making sure:
a. techs know what to work on next
b. someone is managing all open tickets and driving them to completion
c. the staffing levels are correct, and the workload is balanced
d. Real-Time Time Entry is a cultural habit
e. the Client has a great client experience
f. profit is maximized
g. Autotask is being fully leveraged
h. the historical data that is in the Autotask software is accessible to benchmark, track & USE effectively
i. the Service Delivery operations can scale
j. projects are completed On-Time and On-Budget
k. the company can grow
l. MSPs know what they don’t know
4) Our Tools:
a. Autotask “Best in Class” standard build
b. Our MSP robust Service Delivery SOP library
c. Advanced Autotask Live Reports
d. Expertise in providing a transformational educational experience
Note: We are not philosophers; we are doers with 31+ years of Service Delivery experience, bringing real Service Delivery Improvement change, profitability, and Best in Class performance.