Finding Freedom From Operational Immaturity with a Framework 

Frameworks are the Fast Pass to Operational Maturity 

Before we get rolling, I want to ask the MSP owners in the room a question:  Are you obsessed with your MSP?  Think about that for a moment and file the answer away for later. 

Here’s what we cover in this article:  

  • Tools are good, but… 

  • A Framework for your MSP that works 

  • Start with Service Delivery Foundation Improvements 

  • Now your MSP is ready for next steps to finally grow 

And now I want to welcome my fellow Autotask Warriors and Gladiator Community Members. Last week, I introduced you to the Doom many MSPs face unless they undergo an Operational Transformation. We talked about the biggest struggle – which is for MSPs growing from 4 to 10 Techs.  

This is because it is pretty easy for a 0-3 Tech MSP to know where the Techs are, what they are working on, the status of all the Clients, and “how the sausage is made.” But fast forward to a bit of growth, and if you’re not growing in a structured way, the wheels come off. 

Tools are good, but not unless… 

This week I want to complement last week’s discussion and hand you a framework to follow as you go down this journey. Many of you, I am sure, are still recovering from ChannelCon in Atlanta. While there were tracks for different roles in the MSP, the predominant theme was that cybersecurity is no longer something that can be ignored or be part of your “Platinum Elite” service plan. You can no longer deploy a firewall, AV software, and an RMM to call yourself an MSP and tell your Clients (and yourself) they are protected.  

Most likely, your vendors have been in constant communication about all the tools you need to buy. You may have MFA, SIEM, EDR/MDR/XDR, SAAS alerting, and a whole lot more. But, many of the speakers cautioned, having these tools can be helpful (MFA obviously, duh!), but they aren’t effective unless applied in a strategy to meet defined goals. In fact, some of the ChannelCon presenters specifically said NOT to buy a tool unless it allowed you to satisfy a requirement of the VALIDATED framework of best practices you are using. 

Looking at a popular cybersecurity framework amongst MSPs, CIS, you see there is a whole bunch of things you need to do to secure things. But you will also notice those are segmented into Implementation Groups (IGs): 

  • IG1 has the basic stuff 

  • IG2 builds upon this 

  • IG3 goes hardcore 

The groups are further divided into clearly defined Controls. Thus, you have the entire headache (and, most importantly, where to start) of your MSP cyber journey broken down into “bite sized” chunks. 

A Framework for MSPs that Works 

At Advanced Global MSP Coaching, we do the same. I’ve mentioned before that it took me many years to build out the operational improvement process - and I was with a large MSP that had a lot of resources. It can take an MSP 10 years to figure it out themselves, so I’ve put together a framework that you can follow that can take years off of that.  

Think of it as a Speed Pass at the amusement park. And we break everything up into implementation programs that you can do in order – each step up the ladder allows you to use the savings to pay for the next step. If you’re short on cash, I pretty much give it all away if you are willing to take the time to read this blog, join the Gladiator’s Community, attend our weekly Ask the Experts calls, and put in the sweat equity. 

Start Here: Service Delivery Foundation Improvements 

So, here’s your framework for growing your MSP’s Operational Maturity, controlling the Chaos, and cultivating raving fan Clients. 

It all starts with Service Delivery Foundation Improvements which are divided into 3 programs.  

Drive to Thrive: 

  1. Intake 

  2. Categorization 

  3. Triage 

  4. Tech Allocation & Scheduling 

  5. Prioritization 

  6. Service Coordination Dashboards, Introduction, and Training 

  7. Tech Dashboard Lunch N’ Learn 

  8. Other 

Streamlining Labor Invoicing: 

  1. MSAs 

  2. Roles and Work Types 

  3. Contract Templates 

  4. Cascading Contract Template 

  5. Copying Contracts into Client Accounts 

  6. Client Facing Contracts 

Building a Better Client Experience: 

  1. Clear, Concise, Client Friendly Notifications 

  2. Automated Client-Facing Communication 

  3. Tech Ed 

  4. Real-Time Time Entry Culture Change 

  5. Internal Testing 

  6. Pilot Group Rollout, Feedback, and Adjustments 

  7. All Client Rollout 

Now Your MSP is Ready for Next Steps 

Once these foundational improvements have been implemented, the MSP is ready for:  

  • Service Coordinator Training  

  • Service Manager Training  

  • Project Management Training  

  • Inventory and Procurement  

  • Advanced Contracts  

  • Sales Opportunity and Dashboards  

  • Proactive Maintenance Training – coming in 2025  

  • Knowledge-Centered Support Training – coming in 2025  

You’ve Got Autotask. Do You Need More Tools?  

I know that looks like a lot. And it is. So, if you’re overwhelmed, keep calm and know: just like the CIS framework controls, you do this over time. And you don’t have to buy any more tools. You already have Autotask and are getting charged for it every month, whether it is optimized or not.  

So why not do this? … 

  • Maximize your Autotask investment 

  • Leverage what I call the PSAutomation 

  • Grow your MSP in a structured, best practice way  

  • …All while creating happy Techs and Raving Fan Clients 

“But Steve, I don’t know where to start. And I am so far behind.”  Hello, McFly! There is a framework right above. And if you start today, you are less behind than yesterday.  

Earlier, I asked if you were obsessed with your MSP. Pause a moment and think. Are you, really?    

As Craig Groeschel says, “Apathy makes excuses. Obsession finds a way.” and “Good requires Motivation. Great requires obsession.”  

Let me ask you again: Are you obsessed with your MSP? Tired of excuses? Ready to Focus, Obsess, and Commit?  Then I’m your guy. Talk to me: 

Note: It took me 7 years to develop the fist-full of live reports. It has taken other MSPs a lot longer, and they still struggle to deliver the results our Clients enjoy. The Autotask Service Delivery Foundational Improvements takes 7 months to deliver. The Service Coordinator and the two Management Trainings take another 3 months, with KCS yet to be determined.  

The results we enjoy for a 6-tech shop with 160 Customers doing about $1.5M in MRR is about $386,000 USD per year. The bottom line is that for a $20,000 USD investment, you can expect more than 10X return, not to mention a much more enjoyable work environment and Raving Fans.  

How do we know? Because we have 66+ years of MSP Service Delivery Coordinator/Manager experience on staff, and 17+ years Autotask System Administration experience. Which is another way of saying we have been there and done that, and we know how to leverage the Autotask software to Resolve Service Delivery Issues.  

Wanna know more? Resources are right here: 

Service Delivery Gladiator’s Community: Home - The Service Delivery Gladiators ( 

Unshackled e-book: 

(Learn how to apply the 6 keys to MSP Service Delivery Optimization) 

Talk to me: 


Steve & Co  


Freedom for MSP Owners to Grow the Business 


Finding Freedom from Chaotic Growth to Grow an MSP’s Business