Everything We’re Grateful for at Advanced Global This Thanksgiving

What a year it’s been, right?  

In times like these, it can be easy to get wrapped up in everything that’s gone wonky or outright wrong rather than what we are grateful for.  

One of the things that make us feel thankful is our health. And not only are we thankful for our health, but for the health measures we can keep - exercising regularly, getting the hours of quality sleep needed, eating healthier, and seeing a healthcare provider regularly. Our hearts go out to those not in the best of health.  

So, my health is what I am most thankful for this season. And the awesome Advanced Global MSP Coaching “A” Players Team.  

Speaking of the Team, are you wondering what they are most thankful for? I am. 


For Family Close to Home… 

“I am so thankful for my wonderful kids. I love seeing the great adults they are growing up to be. I am so blessed to be their mom. I am so thankful for a wonderful husband that gave me two awesome bonus sons and a beautiful bonus daughter in law. I am so thankful to have the absolute best family in the world….the family God gave me and the one I married into. I’m so thankful for the 6 inch scar on my shoulder and 3 inch scar on my foot I received this year. It means I have insurance and access to wonderful and caring doctors. I’m so thankful for my tribe of amazing lifelong friends.   They are my bonus brothers and sisters that gave me so many bonus nieces and nephews. I am thankful for a wonderful job and the best coworkers. I’m so thankful for a boss that makes sure we put family and God before work”. -Lea Ann A.


“This year I am thankful for my faith, living in Maine, a healthy family, extra family time, a flexible schedule, Amazon, and technology! :)” -Kathrine F. 


I am thankful for the ability to travel this year and the ability to see family living far away, for the health of my family, and for my kids being able to be in school with friends.” -Cassidy S. 

“I am thankful for getting job at AGMSPC.  
It's big milestone in my career and life. and I'm thankful to have good friends nearby and at work!” -Tushar P. 

Focusing on All Life’s Blessings… 

“Thanksgiving means the gift of focusing on and expressing our gratitude for each other & for all of our blessings no matter how big or how small.” -Cathy B. 


“Thanksgiving...perhaps like no other year, I think it's been a time to dig deep and give thanks, yes even out of all the tumult. Everyone's lives have been impacted & one of the things that makes me grateful is how the amazing people I work with have continued to collaborate & innovate even through uncertain times.” -Rachel P. 


"There are many things that I am thankful for. 

I am thankful for having a Good people in my life. 

My family, friends, work family and Mentors. all are kind, supportive and loving people. 

Also I'm thankful the rewarding job which helps me live better and healthy life. 

It's blessing to have work that you like to do." -Jatin P. 


“I am thankful for my family and friends who are supportive and loving. I am thankful for all the random acts of kindness that people around the world do. Finally, I am thankful for football on thanksgiving.” -Admir F. 


I am thankful for blessings that money can’t buy.  I have a loving mother and father, good job, and good friends. I have been given skills and a calling to help people. And I have been blessed to share every day’s opportunities and challenges with my wife of 22 years. -Matt A. 


For the Deluge of Xmas Carols to Come 😊 

“The holiday Thanksgiving means siblings are home and my family is together...and of course pumpkin pie! I’m very thankful for my family, extended family, and for all of the blessings I have in life...and I’m thankful for my Advanced Global family, it’s great fun to spend time with everyone in the company.” -Catherine E. 


And for Our Collective Faith… 

“Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on what you have and be happy. To have those who matter most surround you and enjoy each other’s company. I’m thankful for Ben, who understands me and loves me for who I am. Thankful for a job that allows me to help others. Thankful for co-workers that jump in and help, no saying “it’s not my job.” Thankful for my family and friends who get me, the ones who know I don’t answer my phone and it may take me a day to text back. Thankful that God has given me all these things and so much more.” -Carol H. 


"Thanksgiving is a time to express gratitude, especially to God. I have been so blessed with great parents, healthy children, a loving husband, a job that allows me flexibility, co-workers (& bosses) who are always willing to help, friends who are there at the drop of a hat, and a pastor and wife who lead their sheep. I am thankful to God for giving me all these blessings.” -Shauna J. 



Gratitude. Give it a try & see what happens. 


There you have it: what the Advanced Global MSP Coaching Team is thankful for. To echo what many of the Team members said, we are very thankful for each other and how we work together to serve, guide, teach - and most of all - coach MSPs on how to Resolve their Service Delivery Issues using the Autotask software. 

Try the practice of gratitude. You know something? It just might create a positive impact in your life that ripples out to those around you.  

Whether it’s a thanks to that grocery worker at the local store or to the person that serves your coffee…to a family member or friend for their presence in your life…to a colleague that makes your day brighter…show some gratitude.  

You may find the results surprising. Now go forth & be grateful, my friend… 


Oh, and tell us: What are you most thankful for? 

Stephen Buyze

President of Advanced Global MSP Coaching


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