Even in 2020, There’s Plenty to be Grateful For
What a year it’s been, right?
In times like these, it can be easy to focus on everything that’s gone wonky or outright wrong, rather than what we’re grateful for.
One of the things that makes us feel thankful is our health. Our hearts go out to those suffering directly from the pandemic.
Even those of us who have not had the virus have been negatively impacted by the pandemic. Nope, I have not checked in with the Eskimos, but looking at the grocery shelves, I am sure they have been impacted by something that is no longer available.
We’ve largely lost our cherished routines, and right about now even Thanksgiving dinner with that cringeworthy uncle sounds good. Ok, maybe not…
Seriously though, here in the US, it is time for our Thanksgiving Holiday - a time to pause, reminisce, and be thankful.
So, my health is what I am most thankful for this season. And the awesome SDB-C “A” Players Team.
Speaking of the Team, are you wondering what they are most thankful for? I am.
For Family Close to Home…
“We lived out of state, away from family for 20 years (Navy). Being away made us so homesick. Now that we are home, we can finally appreciate the simple act of eating together on Thanksgiving. Family is what it's all about.” -Melanie V.“
I am thankful to have my parents, brother, sister in law, and nephew all less than 2 miles away from me. We see each other all the time... and every Wednesday is Family Dinner Night!” -Lea Ann P.
“This year I am thankful for my faith, living in Maine, a healthy family, extra family time, a flexible schedule, Amazon, and technology! :)” -Kathrine F.“
To me Thanksgiving is a time to gather with family and friends and celebrate love, togetherness, and happiness. A day to enjoy the company of loved ones and reflect on the year’s blessings. And of course, eat delicious food.” -Cassidy S.
Focusing on All Life’s Blessings…
“Thanksgiving means the gift of focusing on and expressing our gratitude for each other & for all of our blessings no matter how big or how small.” -Cathy B.
“Thanksgiving is a time to reflect. A time to appreciate the people in your life and give thanks for all that you have been blessed with.” -Cristina G.
“Thanksgiving...perhaps like no other year, I think it's been a time to dig deep and give thanks, yes even out of all the tumult. Everyone's lives have been impacted & one of the things that makes me grateful is how the amazing people I work with have continued to collaborate & innovate even through uncertain times.” -Rachel P.
“The Thanksgiving holiday means lots of quality time with family and friends centered around large amounts and varieties of delicious foods. It means thinking of all our blessings and thanking God for them, and it serves as a reminder to do so on every day, not just the special ones.” -Linnea E.
“Thanksgiving means to me putting your phone away, taking a break from work and thanking God for family and good health.” -Angelica G.
For the Deluge of Xmas Carols to Come 😊
“Thanksgiving means that it’s colder than 61 degrees, and that we’ll soon be deluged with Christmas ads and endlessly cycling carols. It usually means a good meal, wherever you end up.” -Duncan D.
“The holiday Thanksgiving means siblings are home and my family is together...and of course pumpkin pie! I’m very thankful for my family, extended family, and for all of the blessings I have in life...and I’m thankful for my SDB family, it’s great fun to spend time with everyone in the company.” -Catherine E.
And for Our Collective Faith…
“Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. Being a follower of Jesus Christ, I give thanks every day for everything He has provided and continues to bless us with, and on Thanksgiving especially, I rejoice in the culmination of family traditions with the love and joy of my family and friends, not to mention all of the incredibly awesome FOOD! 😊” -Janelle T.
“Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on what you have and be happy. To have those who matter most surround you and enjoy each other’s company. I’m thankful for Ben, who understands me and loves me for who I am. Thankful for a job that allows me to help others. Thankful for co-workers that jump in and help, no saying “it’s not my job.” Thankful for my family and friends who get me, the ones who know I don’t answer my phone and it may take me a day to text back. Thankful that God has given me all these things and so much more.” -Carol H.
“I am thankful for the gift of life that John my kidney donor gave me on December 26, 2016. I think about his sacrifice and love each and every day. I am thankful that Jesus gave his life to save me and any person who believes in Our Lord Jesus Christ -a free gift of eternal life to trust in Him! Happy Thanksgiving to all!” -Ray M.
Gratitude. Give it a try & see what happens.
There you have it: what the SDB-C Team is thankful for. To echo what many of the Team members said, we are very thankful for each other and how we work together to serve, guide, teach - and most of all - coach MSPs on how to Resolve their Service Delivery Issues using the Autotask software.
Try the practice of gratitude. You know something? It just might create a positive impact in your life that ripples out to those around you.
Whether it’s a thanks to that grocery worker at the local store or to the person that serves your coffee…to a family member or friend for their presence in your life…to a colleague that makes your day brighter…show some gratitude.
You may find the results surprising. Now go forth & be grateful, my friend…
Oh, and tell us: What are you most thankful for?