From 0 to Zen: Making MSP Life Easier & More Profitable

Ready to take your MSP from 0 to Zen by making life easier & more profitable? You’ve come to the right place!

We are now ready to go with all the information needed to start building the Cascading Contract Automation. Get ready to see 15% increased Revenue while also boosting Profits by another 18%!

So, what is the next step? Cutting the time it takes to create the Contracts in Autotask by 75%? With all these savings and now reducing the Contract Creation work, what else is left to do but sit back and drink Pina Coladas?  Well, since you asked…

Haven’t we said that we are all about…

Guiding IT Managed Service Providers through the process of Service Delivery Improvements so they have the Freedom to Grow their Business?!!

…This Results in improving the quality of work-life for their Employees, increasing Customer satisfaction, and boosting profits.

In this case, for the person tasked with creating contracts, their work-life is easier, and the Customers are happy, having received the correct invoice.Also,the Company enjoys an 18% boost inprofits. Sounds pretty sweet, right?

The process is simple:

Build the first set of Contracts in the Zero (your Company’s) Account.**  By "set," we mean one of every type of Contractthat the MSP offers, or needs to create, in order to comply with the MSA agreements. For example:

  • Recurring Services

  • T&M

  • Block Hour

  • Retainer

  • Per Ticket (we have never seen anyone use this type of contract)

These contracts will be referred to as Templates, and when creating the Customer-Facing Contracts, use the copy contract wizard to change the account name and you are done.

**Note: It is called the Zero Account because if you look at the Account ID, it is 0. This is done intentionally and is how the software knows when you are working for yourself.

The PSA software moves all internal work (for the Zero Account) to a non-billable code. This is great - unless you are trying to figure out how much work was non-billable or how much work was done for the Company. No problem, we are here to help by writing an Advanced Resource Utilization Report that automatically separates the two.

Thank you for reading this article & stay with us on this journey of building a Cascading Contract Automation…

Epilogue: It’s simple, trust us.

It really is that easy. Don’t worry about which exclusion to add. Exclusions are very Customer-centric and adding them at the Template level may or may not save time. Try it and let me know how it works out.

What will work is creating Exclusion Sets. Take the various combinations of Exclusions mapped out two articles ago, and create an Exclusion Set for each group excluded from the different Service Levels of Agreements.

If Exclusion Sets are created for the Secondary levels of Exclusions, then when creating the Contracts, both Primary and Secondary can easily be pulled into the correct set for this Customer.

How do you determine which contract is Primary and which is Secondary?  At the template level it does not matter; just create one of each type. It is when you copy them to the Customer level that we will make the determination of which is Primary and Secondary.

We know this helps, but how do you free the company from the Service Delivery Issue shackles, so the Business can grow?  

By taking the easy, FREE PSA Configurations Self-Evaluation right here.


2 Ways to Increase Profits Via Cascading Contract Automation


Working with Work Types: What Actually Works?