If it is Tuesday, then this must be Paris

Not sure if you remember the 1969 movie, but I sure enjoyed it in my childhood. I seriously watched it over and over. Mostly because it was shot on site in Europe – featuring tons of places I had never seen. Now for the first time, I get to take my own 18 8-day trip to Europe Paris- and let me tell you, I am sooooooo looking forward to it!However, this time it’s because it gives me an opportunity to connect with the many blog article readers from outside the US, who make up about 1/3 of our readership. 1/3 of our Customers also come from outside the US – mostly from the Netherlands, as well as somefrom England & Italy. [su_note note_color="#fff514" text_color="#080808"]Click here to book one-on-one time with Steve at the conference in Paris [/su_note]

Will I see you in Paris for DattoCon Oct 21st thru 23rd? 

As far as preparing for a conference, it is no different than what I shared in the article "How to Prepare DattoCon ‘19 in San Diego" this past June.The difference is - rather than having non-Americans jet around the world (22% of the attendees for DattoCon ‘19 in San Diego were from outside the US), it will be an American jetting to Europe.That said, does anybody have any travel tips for me?  

Photo Credit: Datto: https://paris.dattocon.com/

My reason for attending DattoCon Paris is twofold. 

  • First, as mentioned, it is an opportunity to meet face to face with those from Europe and around the world that we have been emailing back and forth with - some for many years. 

A.  I am really looking forward to finally meeting you in person and discussing the Business Issue that you are trying to Solve - and the business driver that brought you to the conference to begin with. B.  Based on operational comparisons with many of our International Customers, how an MSP optimizes their IT Service Delivery is not that much different around the world. What is significantly different is the Governmental controls, especially in Europe (we do not currently have any Customers from China or Russia).

  • The second, and maybe the most important, is that (and I am sad to say), I have never been to Europe, so we are taking some extra time to explore the city.

A. We have several friends who have been to Paris many times. One of them lived there for 5 years. All of them speak very highly of the city, how easy it is to get around and enjoy yourself, and a long list of must-dos. B. Places we plan on visiting include: The Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, Cathédrale Notre Dame, Marche aux Fleurs Refine Elizabeth II, Musee d Orsay, L’Orangerie, Sainte Chapelle, Louvre, Picasso Museum, and a day trip to Versailles.

My stay in Paris.

While we will be starting out in an American Hotel (thanks to DattoCon – what’s up with that – is this just another American conference?), as soon as the conference is over, we will be moving to the Saint Paul Rive GaucheHotel.My preference is not to take the typical American tour bus, but to be embedded with the locals as much as possible. So, while we have a long list of must-do's, I would be more interested in seeing/doing/enjoying something off the beaten path that locals enjoy.What is your favorite thing to do or experience in Paris? Please do tell, inquiring minds want to know. 😊[su_note note_color="#fff514" text_color="#080808"]Click here to book one-on-one time with Steve at the conference in Paris [/su_note]


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