IT Service Delivery Optimization Adventure

A typical PSA tool is optimized for IT Service Delivery when...

  • SLAs are above 95%

  • Resource Utilization is above 85%

  • RHEM is below 30 hours or 2 Man-months per 1000 endpoints.

  • Total Time to Completion is below 12 Business hours

Are you sure your PSA tool is being optimized? If not, you may want to keep reading so that you too can bask in the results listed above. Over the past year, we have written articles on how to improve IT Service Delivery. In case you missed them, here are the topics of the previous series we have written...

We will now turn our attention away from the fundamentals of IT Service Delivery to look at “how to optimize” topics such as:

  • Configuring an 80% Automated Customer Communication workflow

  • How to segment requests into four workflows

  • How to managethe four workflows

  • Incidents

  • Service Requests

  • Projects

  • Recurring visits

  • The value and how to use Issue / Sub-Issue reporting

  • Network Administration (Technology Advisor) management

While the fundamentals are important, they tend to focus on the how and why of PSA configurations.  IT Service Delivery Optimization combines individual PSA topics into powerful systems and workflows.  For example, the Customer Communication workflow leverages Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), Workflow Rules (WFRs) and Workflow Notifications, Tech engagement SOPs, and an automated closed ticket process that improves Tech Utilization by as much as 17%.Each of the optimization topics will start with an overview of the system and/or workflow, the purpose or business problem we are trying to solve.  We then will review how to configure the PSA tool in an implementation sequence, and how to roll it out to the Support Team.  Follow up with a summary and specific metric goals to know the process is working.

We are Here to Lend a Hand

Our intention is to provide free vital information on how to optimize your Service Delivery.  Beyond the blog articles, we offer free download materials on our website, Free 30-minute coaching calls, and are happy to respond to emails and posted replies.No matter where your IT Service Delivery is on the growth curve, we are here to help. If there is a lack of confidence in the company’s ability to go it alone, our help then continues with...

  • We are happy to provide 1on1 coaching either on the fundamentals or advanced IT Service Delivery topics 

  • Our Live Report writing skills, services, and courses are available to you

  • And if needed, we are happy to teach you to mine (analyze) the Data for the information you can spin into Gold (make more money for the company)

Thank you to our dedicated readers for staying with us throughout the Fundamentals series. Now welcome aboard as the train leaves for an IT Service Delivery Optimization adventure! [su_note note_color="#fffe39" text_color="#0a0808"]Want to know if your PSA is being optimized based on the fundamentals of IT Support? Take our free 10 point PSA checklistto see how you can advance your MSP’s Service Delivery.[/su_note] 


Importance of Optimized IT Service Delivery


The World of PMI vs. MSP