Employee Retention and On-Call

This seems to be an oxymoron. We work hard to retain the Technical talent: Career Training and Certifications, Wellness Programs, Fortnite Challenges, Pizza and Beer, etc. After all this hard work to give them reasons to stay, three weeks before the pager, coincidentally they resign. I have seen this more than once, and it is a pattern that is getting more common.
As a Managed Service Provider Owner or Service Manager, please take note: this issue is not going away. Of all the articles written over the last year, the July 27th IT Service Managers #1 Pain: On-Call Afterhours Coverage was the most widely read by far (more than 4000 views). It also received the most reply’s and started a generational heated discussion between those that grew up with it being part of the job, and those who said we are not going to take it anymore.
This week’s post, After Hours On-Call Causes Turnover on Your Service Desk is on GMS Live Experts blog site, and it discusses solutions to this dilemma. Check it out, and forward this to others caught in the What to do about After-Hours coverage quagmire.

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